Value staff, students and parents as partners
Access to all programs by all students
Provide a positive, supportive and safe learning environment
Meet the unique needs of every student
Create an environment for creative learning opportunities, respect and student accountability
Learning environment which challenges all students to reach their individual potential
Education is meaningful and valuable
Student-centered learning that is rigorous and relevant
The public is welcome to address the CCSD School Bard with comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns during meetings. There is a public participation section at the beginning of each regular meeting, during which time members of the public may address the Board on topics not included on the agenda. If you want to speak during the meeting, please fill out an Agenda Card located on the table to the side of the room. Present the card to the Board Secretary at least ten minutes prior to the beginning of the meeting.
Participants will be called upon and asked to state their name and address. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person.. To comply with privacy laws, the Board does not entertain concerns or comments regarding specific individuals during public meetings.
If a topic is listed on the meeting agenda, the Board will discuss that topic and then individuals are welcome to comment on that topic later during the meeting. Individuals will have 2 minutes each for their comments on agenda items.
Occasionally, the Board will respond immediately to questions and comments. However, on most occasions, the Board will instruct the Superintendent or designee to gather more information and report back. Please understand, if a question or comment is not addressed during the meeting, this does not indicate a lack of interest on behalf of the Board, but a desire to gather as much information as possible to respond in the most helpful manner. Those who wish to share comments or concerns with the Board of Education, but do not wish to speak at a meeting, can email the Board Secretary at
Also, please review Board Policy BDDH before addressing the board.
Thank you,
Superintendent Eric Milburn
The Central Curry School District 1 is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and nondiscriminatory educational environment. Central Curry School District 1 does not permit discrimination or harassment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, disability, age, religion, physical and/or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by institutional policy or state, local, or federal law.
Anyone wishing to make a formal complaint regarding discrimination or sexual harassment and inquire about the District's compliance with Title II, Title IV, Title IX and Section 504 may contact Eric Milburn, Superintendent and District Title IX Coordinator @ emilburn@ccsd.k12.or.usor calling 541-247-2003, ext. 224
Email concerns or complaints to
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Discrimination and Title Programs
As per Title IX requirements, a public complaint form is made available on the district's web page for public access. The documents listed below include Board Policy KL (Public Complaints) and Policy KL-AR (Procedure and Form).
For technical questions and comments regarding this website, including accessibility concerns, please contact the Webmaster.