Coast Community Health Center

Have you heard about the School Based Health Center (SBHC)? At the SBHC you can get the same kinds of health services that you receive at a regular primary care clinic; and we are conveniently located at Gold Beach High School!  We don’t have to replace your primary care provider, but we are there for your acute and minor healthcare needs. This can include sore throat, ear pain, UTI symptoms, well child checks, immunizations, the list goes on. Our healthcare providers are specifically trained to work with teens and are available to help you with whatever you need. We can even see staff and families! We will be open Monday and Thursday, 11 am – 4 pm for medical care and Tuesday and Wednesday 8 am – 1 pm for behavioral health. Call us at (541) 332-1114 and tell them you are calling for the School Based Health Center, walk-ins welcome. We are proud to be part of Coast Community Health Center serving the healthcare needs of the southern Oregon coast!


Registration Packet

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