Background on the Oregon Report Card

The Oregon Department of Education produces yearly report cards for schools and districts in this state. These reports--called for by the 1999 state legislature--provide educators with an opportunity to communicate directly with their constituents about how local schools are performing. Over time, they will allow educators, parents and taxpayers to chart the progress of Oregon schools. Schools and districts then may add their own local information to the cards. By March 31, districts must send copies of the finished reports to parents of children enrolled in the district.

The Department of Education drew on significant public input to develop the report cards. It held about 30 public meetings across the state to hear from parents, educators and others. The department used the comments it received at these meetings and in other forums to revise its drafts. In this way, the public designed the report cards. One of the many valuable comments made at these meetings was that the report cards should be fair. As a result, the department required that all statistics used in the reports be reliable and consistent across the state. If data did not meet this rigorous test, it was not included in the report. As more data becomes reliable and consistent statewide, it will be included in future years.

Oregon is one of 36 states with state report cards, and three more states will produce reports next school year. Oregon and these 39 other states recognize that members of the public want consistent information about their schools.

Click on the link below. Once the page has opened, change District Selection to "Central Curry SD 1." Scroll down to "Riley Creek Elementary School."

Riley Creek Report Cards

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